Efficient Commands#

To help users quickly reproduce our results, we provide a command line tool for easy installation, benchmarking, and evaluation.

One Line Benchmark Running#

First, create a conda environment with Python 3.8.

conda create -n safepo python=3.8
conda activate safepo

Then, run the following command to install SafePO and run the full benchmark:

make benchmark

This command will install SafePO in editable mode and execute the training process of all algorithms on all environments. After the training process is finished, it will evaluate the trained policies and generate the benchmark results, including training curves and evaluation rewards and costs.

Simple Benchmark Running#

The full benchmark is time-consuming. To verify the performance of SafePO, we provide a simple benchmark command, which runs all algorithms on sampled environments and evaluate the trained policies.

make simple-benchmark

The training logs would be saved in safepo/runs/benchmark, while the evaluation results and learning curves would be saved in safepo/results/benchmark.


The default number of workers is 1. To run the benchmarking tools in parallel, you can increase the number of workers by changing the workers configuration in safepo/single_agent/benchmark.py and safepo/multi_agent/benchmark.py.


The Doggo agent is not included in the benchmarking tools because it needs 1e8 training steps to converge. You can run the Doggo agent by running:

cd safepo/single_agent
python benchmark.py --tasks \
SafetyDoggoButton1-v0 SafetyDoggoButton2-v0 \
SafetyDoggoCircle1-v0 SafetyDoggoCircle2-v0 \
SafetyDoggoPush1-v0 SafetyDoggoPush2-v0 \
SafetyDoggoGoal1-v0 SafetyDoggoGoal2-v0 \
--workers 1 --total-steps 100000000

The terminal output would be like:

======= commands to run:
running python macpo.py --task Safety2x4AntVelocity-v0 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --headless True --total-steps 10000000
running python mappo.py --task Safety2x4AntVelocity-v0 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --headless True --total-steps 10000000
running python mappolag.py --task Safety2x4AntVelocity-v0 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --headless True --total-steps 10000000
running python happo.py --task Safety2x4AntVelocity-v0 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --headless True --total-steps 10000000
running python pcpo.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python ppo_lag.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python cup.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python focops.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python rcpo.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python trpo_lag.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python cpo.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
running python cppo_pid.py --task SafetyAntVelocity-v1 --seed 0 --write-terminal False --experiment benchmark --total-steps 10000000
Plotting from...


Plotting from...


Plotting from...


Plotting from...
Start evaluating focops in SafetyPointGoal1-v0
After 1 episodes evaluation, the focops in SafetyPointGoal1-v0 evaluation reward: 12.21±2.18, cost: 26.0±19.51, the reuslt is saved in ./results/benchmark/eval_result.txt
Start evaluating cppo_pid in SafetyPointGoal1-v0
After 1 episodes evaluation, the cppo_pid in SafetyPointGoal1-v0 evaluation reward: 13.42±0.44, cost: 18.79±2.1, the reuslt is saved in ./results/benchmark/eval_result.txt